Dear Parents,
Please check here for the latest up-to-date information, or please check out our latest Newsletter for any up-coming events. Please also remember to have a look at our Recent Events, News and Gallery.
We want to keep you informed! There is always lots going on in school and we do want to keep you updated and also share with you many of the activities and learning that happens all of the time. As well as newsletters every other Friday –sent via our app, and posted here on our website, we also useTwitter and Facebook to share information and photographs. Our calendar on the school website is also populated with events that are planned.
Twitter–look for @clevescross and click ‘follow’. It’s a great way of sharing our school life with you.
Communication with class teachers
If you have a questions, information or would just like to give some feedback to your child’s class teacher, please use their direct class email. They are all in the same format:
Reception Class–
Year 1 –
Year 2 –
Year 3 –
Year 4 –
Year 5 –
Year 6 –
These emails are an ideal way of keeping in touch with class teachers, but if you do have urgent information to pass on, please always telephone school to ensure this is dealt with in good time.
Reception/Year 1/Year 2 Phonics and Reading Meetings – September 2022
Reception Phonics Meeting Power Point
Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics Meeting Power Point
Friends of Cleves Cross Fundraising
How many times has your child come home with the wrong jumper, cardigan or someone else’s shoes? Loads of times I guess – Stikins name labels could help. Have a look at their website:
Covid Vaccination Information Letter
World Heritage Site Day Trail
Y4 have been involved in this project as part of their Anglo–Saxon work and one of their letters is hidden on the trail. A really fun activity to do with your children over the Easter Break. For further information please click on the link below:
Heritage Trail Leaflet
Covid Up-date
We have been advised that there have been a number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 within the school. Please see our latest information letter.
Covid-19 Information – 9.3.21
Ukraine Crisis
We have been asked to collect donations for the Ukraine crisis.
Any donations must be brought into school into school on Monday, 7th March, so they can be collected on Monday afternoon.
Please see the attached list of items needed. Thank you
Thank you so much for all your kind donations for this very worthy cause.
Internet Safety
Keeping pupils safe online is very much a partnership between us in school and yourselves at home. Therefore we would just like to send a friendly reminder and some advice surrounding your child’s safety online.
It is important that children play games, watch films and use social media that is age-appropriate. Ratings are included as a guide to ensure that we keep our children safe, both at home and at school.
In school, as always, we will all be emphasising our discussions about online habits with our pupils. We want to ensure that children at Cleves Cross understand the need for age ratings, know what to do if they see something that doesn’t feel right online and ultimately stay SAFE online.
Please take this opportunity to chat with your child about the importance of being safe online. We have attached some advice on age ratings and keeping safe below.
Thanks for taking the time to read this message and let’s all keep SAFE!
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact school.
Internet Safety Day 2022-compressed (1)
Parents Update – Changes taking place after Christmas
Face Masks/Coverings
I have been asked by some parents about the wearing of face coverings on the yard at drop off and collection times. While this is not a recommended additional measure from the Local Authority or Public Health Education, we would welcome additional extra precautions being taken.
Thank you for your continued support.
Parents and Carers – Omicron Additional Measures – 1.12.21
Covid letter to parents – 3.12.21
Parents Questionnaire – Voucher Winner
Thank you to everyone who has responded to the parent questionnaire. As I said previously, we do value your feedback and it does help us to move the school forward.
We have picked a number at random from the questionnaires that were completed by midday on Monday and the winner of the £25 Asda voucher is Martha’s mam in Reception class. Well done Bryony!
You will be able to collect your voucher from Monday.
Thank you once again to everyone who took the time to complete it.
Start times – a reminder
We have been trialling the ‘soft start’ this half–term and it seems to be working well. We will continue with this next half–term but just wanted to remind everyone that children should be in school at 8.55am – this is when school starts. We are going to ring the bell in school and this will remind staff of the time as well. If you arrive after 8.55am, then please go to the main entrance and sign your child in.
Nursery children – start times are different for Nursery compared to the rest of the school so there would be no need for you to bring your child to the main entrance unless they were significantly later than their arrival time e.g. had attended a medical appointment.
Harvest Celebrations
Thank you for all of the kind donations for Harvest. We took them to St Luke’ Foodbank this morning where they were very gratefully received. It is still a very challenging time for many of our community and I know the food will be very
welcome. We held the raffle draw this morning. First prize of the fantastic food hamper was won by Cruz and Kai’s mum. Second and third prizes of a bottle of wine and a bottle of prosecco were won by Thomas and Ruby’s mum and Stephen’s mum. I think we will let you choose – whoever gets to school first to claim their prize, can have their choice of bottle! We managed to raise £157 in the raffle so thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets.
Mr Marshall Memorial Fund
We just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to Mr Marshall’s fund – last Friday’s collection was around £245 which just shows how much people thought of him. We are currently looking into what we can get in school in his memory and will let you know as we have decided on something.
MacMillan Coffee Morning 1.10.21
Thank you so much to everyone who came to our MacMillan coffee morning today.It was fantastic to welcome so many of you into school.We have raised a staggering £780.64 for MacMillan
.We’d also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to Mr Marshall’s memorial fund. We are hoping to buy a seat / bench in his memory, to have in our school grounds.
If you’d still like to make a donation, please send this into school in an envelope.
The winning raffle ticket is blue strip 191-195. Please call into the office to claim your prize.
Parent-information-update-for-school-restart-2nd September 2021
Safe Return to School
Reception Phonics & reading presentation 2021
Year 1 and 2 Phonics Meeting 2021 Little Wandle