Our Eco Warriors
Cleves Cross Eco Blog
Our Eco Team have many tasks to complete in school and they wanted an opportunity to share all of their and their classmates good work with you. So, they have developed an Eco Blog and would really welcome your input and comments on the blog site. Check it out now, via the link below, and, although it is still under constructio, it would be lovely to see it being regularly used.
Eco Policies
Please choose from the following:
Anti-litter policy 2016
Cleves Cross Energy Policy
Cleves Cross Re-cycling Policy 2016
Our Eco Code
Cleves Cross Primary School promises to …..
- Compost fruit and vegetables
- Learn about sustainability
- Exercise more by trying to walk to school
- Vegetables will be composted
- Eat healthy food
- Save water
- Compost
- Reduce, re-use, re-cycle
- Only use resources needed
- Separate our rubbish for recycling
- Save energy
Download our printable version below.
March for Climate Change
Change is Possible
Durham Big Clean
We were pleased to join in the Litter free Durham Big Spring Clean by completing a litter-pick event in and around our school area. All classes took part and helped clean up various areas around our school grounds, the local park and Ferryhill Hub.
Little Green Riding Hood &The Magical Well (sequel)
The Fame Factory Spotlight Company, working with Northumbrian Water, made a return visit to remind us of the important message of saving water. Everyone agreed, it was a very entertaining production.
Fair Trade Banana Day
As requested by the children, during Fair Trade Fortnight, we held a ‘Banana Assembly’ to make us all aware of the plight of the banana farmers. We asked all pupils and staff, to bring a fair trade banana into school helping to reinforce the message “Stick with Foncho to make Bananas Fair”.
Dwain the Drain
We had an important message delivered by Dwain the Drain about what we can and cannot put down our drains.
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