Equality Information and Equality Objectives for Cleves Cross Primary and Nursery School
Equality Act 2010
Cleves Cross Primary School’s provision of the public sector equality duty
Date July 2024
We in Cleves Cross Primary and Nursery School are committed to equality. We aim for every pupil to fulfil their potential no matter what his/her background or personal circumstances.
We maintain the aim of embedding principles of fairness and equality across our entire curriculum, in assemblies and acts of collective worship, in break and lunchtimes, in pastoral support and in before and after school activities.
We must under the general duty of public sector equality duty, in the exercise of our functions, have due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited under the Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
- Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
This will apply to all pupils, staff and others using the facilities. We will give relevant and proportionate consideration to the public sector equality duty.
The protected characteristics for the schools provisions are:
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Age (only applicable to staff, not pupils)
- Marriage and Civil Partnerships (only applicable to staff, not pupils)
Age and marriage and civil partnership are NOT protected characteristics for the schools provisions for pupils.
We will have due regard to advancing equality of opportunity including making serious consideration of the need to
- remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic;
- take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a protected characteristics that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it;
- encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.
We will take into account the six Brown principles of ‘due regard’
- awareness – all staff know and understand what the law requires
- timeliness – implications considered before they are implemented
- rigour – open-minded and rigorous analysis, including parent/pupil voice
- non-delegation – the PSED cannot be delegated
- continuous – ongoing all academic year
- record-keeping – keep notes and records of decisions & meetings
We welcome the opportunity to be transparent and accountable. To this end we fulfil the specific duties of the Act by:
- publishing our equality information
- publishing our equality objectives
We aim to make the information accessible, easy to read and easy to find.
Equality Information:
We maintain confidentiality and work to data protection principles. We publish information in a way so that no pupil or staff member can be identified.
Age | 80% responded. Staff that responded comprise of ages 18-65.
Figures change – we comply with our equality duty. |
Disability | 96% staff gave information.
0 % of staff recorded a disability. We ensure reasonable adjustments are made where appropriate. |
Gender reassignment | 100% responses. 0% staff responded as having or had a gender reassignment. We support any staff member towards gender reassignment. |
Marriage & civil partnerships | 100% responses. 65% married or in a civil partnership.
Figures change – we comply with our equality duty. |
Pregnancy and maternity | 100% responses. 0% currently.
Figures change – we comply with our equality duty. |
‘Race’ / ethnicity | 100% staff responded
Our staff profile comprises: White British |
Religion and Belief / no belief | 100 % staff responded
Our staff profile comprises: Christian, Church of England, Catholic, Atheist, Spiritualist. |
Sex – male/female | 92 % female
8 % male |
Sexual orientation | 92% responded. Our staff profile comprises heterosexual and gay. We support all staff members regardless of sexual orientation. |
Age | 3 – 11 years |
Disability | We ensure reasonable adjustments are made where appropriate. |
Gender reassignment | We would support any pupil undergoing gender reassignment or questioning their gender but have none on record. |
Pregnancy and maternity | We are/would comply with our equality duty and have planned to deliver education on site if and when required or offer a place at the Pregnant Schoolgirl Unit, DCC. |
‘Race’ / ethnicity | 216 White British,
1 White-Irish 6 Gypsy Roma 7 Black/Black African 1 White-Asian 7 Other |
EAL (English as an Additional Language) | 8 EAL
The languages spoken within our pupil profile are: English Lithuanian Ukranian Shona and Zulu |
Religion and Belief / no belief | List percentages for each religious group if numbers are large enough. Otherwise use the following:
Our pupil profile comprises: 22% Christian 73% no religious beliefs 5% other religions not listed |
SEND | 48 pupils identified with a Special Educational Need. |
Sex – male/female | 118 females
120 males |
Sexual orientation | We support all pupils regardless of sexual orientation |
Pupil Premium | 74 |
We will update our equality information at least annually
Equality Objectives
Our equality objectives are:
1. To continue to aim to narrow the gap between groups (Boys/Girls & FSM//FSM)
- School-led tutoring for identified groups, including disadvantaged.
- Close monitoring of data for identified groups and intervention put in place. By the end of KS2 – gaps in attainment for Reading, Writing and Maths narrowed and PP attainment in the 3 subject areas was above national.
- Challenge afternoons for disadvantaged children.
2. To address intolerance of differences between pupils
- PSHE curriculum and whole school assemblies, that include work on British Values, ensure we address intolerance. Explicitly teach about and challenge use of careless words.
- Rights Respecting Gold Status – re-accredited in November 22
- Anti-bullying week and online safety week.
- School Values embedded and children showing these values are celebrated.
- Pupil voice is collected regarding safeguarding and any incidents acted upon.
3. To ensure all parents/carers of pupils, including vulnerable groups, have access to information produced by school
- Fortnightly newsletter that is available on the app and the school website.
- Class email to communicate with class teachers.
- Open door policy to catch parents who may not have online access to information.
- Notice boards around school.
4. To ensure all staff are appropriately trained to deal with racist, sexist and homophobic incidents, and be able to recognise and tackle other forms of bias and stereotyping (Educate and Celebrate).
- Continue to be a Rights Respecting Gold School.
- Explicitly teach children about the 9 protected characteristics through PSHE including RSE curriculum and through whole school assemblies.
- Celebrate festivals from other cultures such as Diwali and Eid.
- Teach children about events such as Black History Month and Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month.
- Staff training and updates feature regularly in staff meeting and CPD programme.
We will update our equality objectives every four years and will publish progress on them annually in our equality information.
We adopt a whole school approach to equality and consider it important for pupils to learn about equality and human rights. We adhere to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHCR) statement:
‘To reap the full benefits of equality and human rights education, it is essential to teach topics in an environment which respects the rights and differences of both students and teachers. Without an equality and human rights culture within the classroom and school as a whole, learning about these topics can at best appear irrelevant, and at worst, hypocritical. The respect and tolerance it teaches will help staff and students create a healthier, happier, fairer school culture, and could lead to reductions in bullying and other negative behaviour, and improvements in attainment and aspirations.
Though the Act refers to ‘race’, the use of ethnic/ cultural origin, background or heritage is often more appropriate