We would like to take this opportunity to thank the parent, carers and supporters of Friends of Cleves Cross for the amazing support, interest and encouragement given to us and the school.
Friends of Cleves Cross
Chairperson: Jackie Whittaker
Secretary: Sara Clasper
Treasurer: Joanne White
The Friends of Cleves Cross includes parents, carers, grandparents, and members of the community who work extremely hard to support our school. We try to meet termly in school and plan a wide range of fundraising events. We then work closely with the staff to spend funds raised on a variety of different projects including school visits to the pantomime, The Queen’s birthday celebration, outdoor development, ….the list is endless.
The events themselves are also great fun for the children. Bunny Bingo and magic shows prove to be very popular and the ‘Friends’ help out at the Summer Fair which is becoming grander each year.
The group welcomes new members with open arms as the list of jobs grows longer. If you would like to be involved, please ask at the office or message us on our Facebook page, @friendsofclevescross
How we raise funds…
We work closely with the school to identify ways to enrich what school already provides. This includes a broad range of items/experiences. With the support of the wonderful families in Ferryhill and the surrounding areas, we run Macmillan Coffee Mornings, support at the school discos, film nights, Christmas fayres, sponsored events…to name but a few….
Name Labels – Fundraising
How many times has your child come home with the wrong jumper, cardigan or someone else’s shoes? Loads of times I guess – Stikins name labels could help. Have a look at their website: https://www.stikins.co.uk/
Donation Received from the Ferryhill 6
We were pleased to accept a kind donation towards our Defibrillator Fund of £150 from the ladies who fund raise around the village.
Further donations have now been received for which we are most grateful.
Christmas Fayre
Thank you again for your support at our Christmas Fayre. I am delighted to let you know that a profit of £792 was made. A great boost to school funds to use for the benefit of the children – and this has been earmarked already by the school council who have formally written to ask that the yard markings be renewed and improved.
Money raised for perimeter fence
The Friends of Cleves Cross would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who supported their ‘Psychic Night ‘held in the Hub at Ferryhill recently. The night raised a fantastic £806.57, which added to the £248 already raised from the Harvest Festival, giving a total of £1054.57. The money raised will go towards a much needed perimeter fence for Cleves Cross School’s partner school in Weligama, Sri Lanka.
Many thanks to everyone who sent in their old clothes for recycling and helping us raise funds for the school.
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