Dear Year 6,
Today would have marked the start of SATs week.
A week where you would have put everything you had worked so hard for into practice.
A week where your teachers and teaching assistants would have been so proud of each and every one of you.
A week where you would have felt a mixture of emotions: nerves, excitement, elation,
A week where come Thursday break time it would be all over and we could celebrate!
Some of you may be happy that SATs are cancelled; others may be sad that you don’t get to show the world what you can achieve.
But just consider this for a moment:
SATs tests do not measure what makes you special or unique. The people who create
these tests do not know you the way that we do, and certainly not in the way your families know you.
They do not know that some of you are amazing scientists, or that you love to sing and dance. They haven’t seen you be part of the football team, or represent your school at other sporting events. They didn’t see you tackle Fremington Edge in Grinton and conquer it, or watch you pull the rope to release the 3G Swing at Winmarleigh and hear the scream you let out! They haven’t seen the look of excitement on your faces when we try something new or something ‘clicks’. They haven’t seen your wonderful, caring nature that you show to your buddies in Reception class. They do not know that your
friends can count on you to be there for them or that your laughter can brighten the darkest day. They do not know we have laughed until we have cried in our classroom! But most of all, they do not know how much you are loved – by us, your families and your friends. SATs can measure some things, but not the most important things. Believe in yourself. You are wonderful.
You are unique. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no-one alive that is Youer than
You!” Dr. Seuss.
Take care and stay safe. We miss you lots but we are sure that we will see you again
Love from,
Mrs Brentnall, Mrs Claydon and Mrs Slater.