PE Intent
At Cleves Cross, our main aim is to inspire the next generation to become increasingly active and enjoy learning during PE lessons. We want to ensure that children leave primary school with the desire to continue PE as they enter secondary school. Our PE curriculum enables children to develop physically, socially and emotionally by allowing children to set individual goals and by encouraging children to take part in competitive sports. By doing this, children will also build their own characters, become increasingly confident, and embed values such as fairness and respect.
PE and being active is an imperative element of our curriculum at Cleves Cross and we recognise the importance of children being able to collaboratively work with others and, as part of a team, improve their understanding of fairness and equality.
The aim of Physical Education is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. During PE lessons, children observe and promote the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators.
Our progressive curriculum from Nursery to Year 6 allows children to experience a wide range of activities and sports that helps them develop their physical abilities further. Swimming is a crucial element of the curriculum in PE and by maximising swimming lessons, we aim to allow children to leave primary school with the requirements set out in the National Curriculum.
Both mental and physical health is at the heart of our PE curriculum at Cleves Cross and, alongside the Science and PSHE curriculum, children will learn about healthy living and the need for good nutrition. At Cleves Cross, we aim to develop the necessary knowledge and skills in PE that can transfer into their further education and beyond to benefit their long-term health and wellbeing.