RE Intent
At Cleves Cross we provide a curriculum where children will develop an understanding of the beliefs, practices and teachings of different worldwide religions and non-religious world views. The curriculum follows the Durham Locally Agreed Syllabus, outlining what should be taught. We aim to consider the uniqueness and individual needs of our pupils by delivering a broad, balanced, differentiated and relevant Religious Education curriculum to prepare our children to live within a multicultural society.
Because of the monoculturalism in our setting, it is important that children aspire to show appreciation of how religions can positively impact on society. Children will learn respect and tolerance for the beliefs and practices of others. Children will gain first-hand experiences by visiting places of religious significance and welcoming visitors into school. This will enable our children to develop local, national and global awareness now and in the future as adult travellers.
As well as finding out about different groups, the children are given time to ask questions and reflect on their own ideas based on what they have learnt. Within lessons, we follow an enquiry-based learning approach. Lessons are differentiated so that all learners can take part at their individual level.
The principal aim of religious education in our school is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. Pupils will gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.