Our Local Governing Body
Name | Representing | Committee | Monitoring Groups | Term of Office Ends | Resigned | Responsibilities | Register of interests |
Christine Brentnall (Head) |
Staff Gov |
LGB | |||||
(Chair) |
Parent Gov | LGB |
Oracy SEND |
11/25 | SEND Pupil Premium Safeguarding GDPR CLA EYFS SDP |
Charles D. Pybus | Director Appointed Gov | LGB | EYFS | 11/27 | Pupil Premium EYFS SDP |
Gabrielle Reddington | Director Appointed Gov | LGB |
Curriculum Reading First and Foremost |
6/25 | Reading Curriculum Review Communication Wider Opportunites SDP |
Victoria Brown | Parent Gov | LGB | Wider Opportunities | 11/27 | Attendance Wider Opportunities SDP |
Kevin Hodgson | Director Appointed Gov | LGB | Oracy | 9/26 | Sports Premium Attendance Culture Wellbeing SDP |
Joshua Blood | Staff Governor | LGB | 11/25 |
Governing Body 2021/22
Monitoring Groups
Term of Office Ends
Register of Interests
Christine Brentnall Head | Staff Govenor | LGB | |||||
Mrs Laura Elliott | Staff Governor | LGB | Reading | 5/22 | |||
Mr Chris Orton – Chair | Govenor | LGB | Curriculum Wellbeing | 7/23 | GDPR | ||
Laura Jackson | Community Govenor | LGB | EYFS | 7/23 | |||
Hannah Lindsay Vice Chair | Parent Govenor | LGB | Oracy Wellbeing | 7/23 | Safeguarding/LAC | ||
Mrs Amanda Eastham-Burford | Parent Govenor | LGB | Pupil Premium | ||||
Gabrielle Reddington | LGB | Curriculum Reading | |||||
Josh Blood | Staff Govenor | LGB | |||||
Anya Stephenson | Parent Govenor | LGB | Oracy EYFS | SEND | |||
Paul Farrow | Governor | LGB |
Governors work very hard to ensure that they know what it is like to be a learner in the school and undertake a range of activity in relation to the three core functions of governance: i) Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. The LGB helps to shape the vision for the school and governors review this annually, as well as looking at the progress being made against the school’s aims. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) identifies the school’s priorities for the year and the LGB is instrumental in working with the Head Teacher to develop this and then monitoring progress against the identified priorities for the year. Governors are linked to areas of the SIP and undertake a range of activity – meeting staff, talking to pupils, reviewing plans, looking at pupils’ work – so that they can see the progress being made against the priorities for themselves. Governors are also linked to other areas and aspects of school life – e.g. safeguarding, Pupil Premium- and this helps them to understand the school and enables them to build relationships with members of staff. This ensures that the decisions they make are based on a good knowledge of the school. Governors report on their activity to the meetings of the LGB so that all governors are aware of what is going well and what is in need of development. Governors also identify and then manage any risks that might impact on the outcomes achieved by the school.
ii) Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff. Governors act as critical friends to the Head Teacher and are always striving to ensure that the school is doing the best it can for every pupil. Governors look at the information provided by the school on the progress and attainment of pupils and, for example, challenge the Head Teacher when performance appears to be uneven or inconsistent. They ask about the organisation of the curriculum and the quality of teaching in the school. Governors also look at a range of external data and information to see how their school compares to local and national benchmarks. iii) Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and ensuring that money is well spent for the benefit of all pupils. Governors are involved in discussion about the projected budget for the year but the final decision on the school’s budget is taken by the Board of Directors. Governors then receive regular updates on the progress of the budget for the year and challenge where there appears to be variations in what has been spent compared to what was expected to be spent.
We hope this information was helpful about the governance arrangements of our school.