Scamps (RRSA Article 31/15)
At Scamps Club we cater for all children before and after school. Scamps starts at 7.30 am in the morning until 8.55 am. On an evening it starts at 3.15 pm until 6 pm. We charge a small nominal fee for each session – for full details check out the link below or call into school and pick up one of our packs, which gives full details of our terms and conditions.
Parent Handbook – Scamps
Scamps Parent Guidance during Covid
Please complete the following forms to register your child/children and then hand them to one of the Scamps Team or alternatively hand them into the office:
Child record
Internet form
Medical form
Photograph consent
Responsible use
Please check out the following information for parents regarding Scamps return to school, September 2020:
Scamps Half-Term Holiday Club
Fun in Scamps
Great fun in Scamps tonight. We do love chocolate cake!
A change from chocolate and cakes in Scamps. We have made some healthy fruit kebabs tonight.