Reception Rights Respecting 2016
Year 1 RR assembly
Year 2 Rights Respecting Assembly 2016 Exploring our talents
Y4 Article 22
Y5 Article 17
Soup Making Morning
Global Learning
Celebrating Our Talents Article 29
The Big Draw
Unicef Day for Change
In assembly this morning we launched our ‘Day for Change’ activities. This is an event run annually by UNICEF and always fits in well with our Rights Respecting work. Children in each team, in each class have designed their own containers and will aim to fill them over the next 2 weeks with loose change.
On the last Friday of the term, wearing our Rights Respecting team colours, we will all gather together and look at the dangers many children face both in this country and around the world.
By bringing in their loose change, the children have managed to raise £233.65.
April Seal Assembly
Rights Respecting Traffic Video March 16
March Seal Assembly (It’s Good to be Me)
Healthy Breakfast Winners
Fairtrade Fortnight 29th Feb – 11th Mar
Fairtrade Bananas
Rights Respecting Week – 8th Feb – 12th Feb
(Beginning of week – Right to be Safe)
(Playground Charter)
(End of week Assembly)
Get Involved (The Right to be Healthy) Feb 16
Walking Bus (Jan 16)
Have you been reminded by your child this week to try to walk to school? I know that perhaps given the current cold snap, now may not be the best time to remind everyone, but at the start of the new year, we are boosting our attempts to promote sustainable travel especially to and from school.
Mr Blood is leading the various initiatives with our Year 5 Class and it began with an assembly on Wednesday of this week. Mr Blood introduced the children to a website which showed them how much carbon dioxide had already been produced this year over 1 billion tons! It also told us that over 4 million cars have already been made this year too.
The children then talked about what they can do to help and walking to school was a very popular option. The ‘walk to school’ badges will be reintroduced over the next couple of weeks and the children are looking forward to using the new technology to help track their own journeys and set themselves personal goals. I am really keen to look to getting our Walking Bus initiative off the ground again. It was so successful for a few years but of course relies on volunteers.
I am hopeful though! Look out for the parent questionnaire that Mr Blood will be sending out soon we are really keen to get your responses and act quickly on them.