Reception class ‘Stay and Play’
Reception class are having their Rights Respecting Stay and Play on Tuesday 13th of February. In Reception that week we will be thinking about Article 24 – The Right to Health, Water, Food and environment. We are holding two sessions throughout the day, a morning session from 9:00-10:30 and an afternoon session from 1:30-3:00. We will send an app message out for you to confirm which session you would like to attend. We are looking forward to welcoming you into Reception class again.
Nursery Class ‘Stay and Play’
On Monday 12th February, Nursery are having our Valentine Day Stay and Play. All children are invited to attend the morning session. 15 Hour children from 8.30am and full time from 9am as usual. Grown-ups are invited back from 10am until 11.30am.We will be completing different activities, such as biscuit decorating, heart threading and making Valentine Day cards. We are looking forward to seeing you.